8 October 2024 Zespół IS Comment 10 min

By János Matuz Poland has consistently opposed the Nord Stream projects, viewing them as contrary to its national interests, while Hungary has maintained a neutral stance. Due to the current geopolitical climate, including

16 September 2024 Zespół IS Comment 9 min

By Ilona Gizińska The Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council has sparked controversy for months, primarily due to the conflict between Budapest and the EU institutions and the pro-Russian orientation of Viktor Orbán's

12 September 2024 Zespół IS Comment 8 min

By Gábor Papp Geopolitical turmoil hand in hand with accelerating green transition had challenged European countries unprecedented. Poland has its unique position within these global circumstances, since coal production and consumption is still

31 July 2024 prof. Tomasz G. Grosse Comment 7 min

The treaty changes proposed by the European Parliament in November 2023 aim to centralize power in the EU at the expense of national democracies. They significantly increase the influence on EU decisions of

9 July 2024 Urszula Kuczyńska Comment 7 min

When it comes to meeting climate goals, Hungary is one of the EU leaders. This is largely due to the structure of the Hungarian energy mix, in which nuclear energy plays a huge

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