8 October 2024 Zespół IS Comment 10 min

By János Matuz Poland has consistently opposed the Nord Stream projects, viewing them as contrary to its national interests, while Hungary has maintained a neutral stance. Due to the current geopolitical climate, including

2 October 2024 Zespół IS Comment 10 min

By PhD Spasimir Domaradzki  Over the past two decades, the European Union's enlargement policy has transformed from an enlargement effort into a tool for managing its immediate surroundings. Thus, the enlargement policy has

16 September 2024 Zespół IS Comment 9 min

By Ilona Gizińska The Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council has sparked controversy for months, primarily due to the conflict between Budapest and the EU institutions and the pro-Russian orientation of Viktor Orbán's

12 September 2024 Zespół IS Comment 8 min

By Rodrigo Ballester This article examines the underrepresentation of Poland and Hungary in the EU civil service, highlighting both EU-wide and domestic factors. It underscores the need for an impartial and representative EU

12 September 2024 Zespół IS Comment 7 min

By PhD Attila Demko The 2014 and 2022 aggressions of the Russian Federation against Ukraine have permanently changed the European security landscape, and both Poland and Hungary had to reconsider their preparedness in